We believe swimming is the best form of exercise for dogs.
But living in land-locked Alberta, the options for beautiful, safe swimming locations are a little limited. With the risks of blue-green algae, unpredictable dogs, crowded beaches, and 8 months of cold, our local lakes aren’t always the best place for your dog.
So, we have merged the best of both worlds. Where your dog can enjoy low-impact swimming in pet-safe water, all while knowing you’re safe in a controlled environment.
One size never fits all.
So, we’ve made pool access flexible. Your monthly membership gives you and your pooch flexible, private access. Your blocked off time is yours to use exclusively.
You know your dog best.
And that is why we believe you are the best to give them what they need. When you rent our pool, the time is yours to use privately.
Train, play, or condition. The choice is entirely yours.
Leave your luggage at home.
We have it all covered.
With your membership, enjoy access to doggy lifejackets, fresh towels, and a fun basket of water toys.
Just show up with your dog!
Swimming is a great option for exercising dogs without the impact of running and jumping. We have designed our pool with ease of entry in mind, including non-slip surfaces, allowing dogs with all different abilities to access safe, low-impact exercise.
Whether you are looking to increase your dog’s muscle mass for sport, or get some extra pounds off of your couch potato, swimming is the perfect solution. Recreational swimming is a great way to add physical conditioning that helps increase stamina and endurance as well as strengthen muscles, all of which can not only improve performance but also help protect against muscle strain and injuries.
Build your dog’s confidence, quality of life, and bond with you by giving them a natural release for energy. If your dogs are like ours, an afternoon spent swimming is the absolute highlight of their week. And we aren’t complaining about how content and chill they are for a couple of days afterward!
Due to Alberta Health Services’ public health rules, only dogs are allowed to swim in the pool. Humans are not permitted to enter the water. You can go down the ramp and help your dog from there, or have someone on the side of the pool at ground level.
You bet! Your first visit will include a full orientation with one of our awesome Splash Ambassadors. They will walk you through everything you need to know about the facility, as well as help you and your dogs get acquainted with the pool.
They are trained in pool safety and are excited to share with you everything you need to know to get your pups swimming confidently. -
You bet! One of our owners, Lindsey, will have some availability for lessons on a one-on-one basis for swimming and dock diving.
Honestly, not much! We supply lifejackets, clean towels, and water toys. We do suggest bringing non-slip water shoes for your use as well as a change of clothes. If your dog has a favourite floating toy or treats, bring them with you.
If your dog has their own lifejacket, you’re welcome to bring it. We do supply lifejackets in size XS-XL.
We recommend only having one dog in the pool at a time. This ensures their safety, and if you needed to assist one of the dogs, you can do so without worrying about the other. This also ensures the safety of our pool liner, as a dog choosing to climb over the edge of the pool could be very risky.
In saying that, you can absolutely bring multiple dogs from the same household to the pool at the same time. We will have crates available to you so one can be contained while the other is in the pool, allowing you to swap them easily. -
The water will be heated to a temperature between 25 and 28 degrees Celcius, about the same as a public swimming pool.
Our members are always surprised at how little time in the pool a dog needs. Water offers natural resistance, so we find that fifteen to twenty minutes per dog per day is usually plenty.
If your dog hasn’t swum before, a swimming pool is a fabulous way to introduce them to water. We find that it can take up to 4 visits to get a good idea of whether they enjoy it, so we suggest purchasing a membership for a month and this is the perfect “trial” to see if your dog is a fan (you can cancel your membership at any point prior to the next billing date).
Your first visit always starts with an orientation and our Splash Ambassador will teach you how to help your dog feel confident with swimming. We find that most dogs learn to love swimming as long as they are introduced in a no-pressure, supportive way. -
We do not provide rehabilitation or instruction on this. We recommend consulting your veterinarian for a rehabilitation plan, as they are the experts on it. They will be able to provide educated guidance on duration, intensity, frequency, and the use of any aids like a lifejacket.
We recommend not feeding your dog during the three hours before your session and waiting an hour after your session before feeding again.
Splash is one of the safest places you can bring your reactive dog. Your appointment is always private. If your pooch is human-reactive, we will adjust our orientation to make it comfortable for them.
Our pool access is a gradual ramp with good grip. We find that most dogs are able to use the ramp to get in and out of the pool comfortably. We highly suggest putting a lifejacket on your dog to not only assist in their swimming but to allow you to help them in and out by using the handle. Please ensure you consult a veterinarian prior to be sure the activity is safe and comfortable for your dog.
While our pool and dock are not regulation size, you are welcome to practice dock diving. Our pool is 32’ long (10’ shorter than regulation) and our dock is 16’ long (24’ shorter than regulation), allowing you to work on dock diving mechanics. We also have a “baby dock”, that sits just 12 inches above the water.
This is a great question and the answer is yes! Our water is treated with chlorine to kill off bacteria that would be unsafe for your dog. We keep the levels just high enough to keep those tiny bugs at bay.
According to the CDC, chlorinated water is safe for both humans and dogs to drink in concentrations up to 4 milligrams per liter. Our levels will always be under 2 milligrams per litre, so your dog should be fine if they ingest some of the pool water.
Fun Fact! Our pool water actually has less chlorine in it than our local drinking water, which also means you don’t need to worry about rinsing the chlorine off of them afterward. -
If your dog consumes a little bit of water during their swim, they should be fine. However, we highly recommend monitoring and limiting excess drinking of the pool water to avoid water intoxication.
While very uncommon, water intoxication is a potentially fatal condition and it is very important to know the signs. To further limit the risk, choose water toys that are flat, allowing the dog to keep their mouth closed instead of items like tennis balls.
According to the CDC, chlorinated water is safe for both humans and dogs to drink in concentrations up to 4 milligrams per liter. Our levels will always be under 2 milligrams per litre, so your dog should be fine if they ingest some of the pool water. -
Unless your dog has been rolling in mud puddles, there is no requirement to bathe them before swimming. If they are shedding a lot, please give them a brush prior to coming to ensure we keep as much hair as possible out of the pool and filters.
For the large majority of dogs, there is also no need to bathe them after being in the pool. If you do notice their skin is a little dry after frequent swimming, you may wish to give them a rinse with conditioner when you get home. Our pool water does have less chlorine than our local drinking water, so there is no need to rinse the chlorine off of them. -
Once your swim time is complete, you will be able to move into a different private room to towel off your dog while the next member gets set up in the pool area for their dog’s swim.
We’ll have a hefty supply of clean towels for you to use. We’re also exclusive retailers of Ruff & Tumble drying coats. These high-quality, super-absorbent, double thickness soft cotton toweling drying rugs will have your dogs dry not long after you walk in your front door. All members have access to purchase these drying coats through Splash. -
Once you have completed your initial orientation with a Splash Ambassador, when you come to Splash to swim your dogs, you and your dogs will be the only ones in the pool area and you will have private access to the pool. Due to Alberta Health Services’ public health regulations, our staff will not be in the pool with the dogs, but we will give you the tools to ensure success from outside of the pool.
The member that had the previous appointment may be in the drying room, which is completely separate, while your dogs are swimming. -
The pool is 32’ x 16’ x 52” deep with a 16’ long practice dock, an 8’ “baby dock,” and a ramp into the pool.
You bet! The ramps and concrete have anti-slip marine matting on them. The docks are covered in astroturf.
Meet Us
Hi! I’m Hannah.
And these are my dogs Letty, Rizzo, and Sunday!
I’ve been competing in dog sports for years and have always wanted a place that I could swim my dogs safely, all year round. I know how great water is for my dog’s fitness and conditioning, and being able to swim them year round will prolong their sport careers.
My home is full of a variety of dogs that have different needs, and I wanted Splash to be a place that dogs like them could exercise safely. And we know there are so many other dogs like them out there that will benefit just as much!
And I’m Lindsey!
I’m the mom of a water-obsessed Bernese Mountain Dog, Layla and a Golden Retriever puppy, Scotti.
We found the sport of dock diving two years ago and Layla fell so in love with the sport that we decided to open our own pool! In Layla’s first season of competition, she broke the world record distance jump for her breed three times and received an invite to the North American finals the last two years. She continues to break the record and has a blast doing it.
She is so obsessed with the sport and swimming in general that I knew I needed to find a way for her to safely swim more often. And with an equally water-obsessed Golden now in our home, we know that time at the pool will be the highlight of our day.